There are nature reigns supreme here, the unspoiled beauty, the space and the freedom...
To understand what is the Australian Outback you need to know that Australia is one of the most urbanized countries in the world.
The population is concentrated in the cities along the southern and eastern coast, or not far from it.
The only other "populated" region is the area around the city of Perth on the southern west coast.
And that's it!
The Australian Outback is just about everywhere else... 6.5 million square kilometres of it (or 2.5 million square miles), inhabited by less than 60,000 people...
It's impossible to answer the question "Where is the Australian Outback?", because it is not a precise location. The term Outback is used to describe the emptiness, remoteness, and the huge distances of inland Australia, and the fact that most people still don't know much about it...
You will find that not all Australians talk about "the Outback". The further away from the cities we live, the less we are inclined to call it the Outback.
Australians talk about "the bush" when they refer to wilderness areas outside the cities. As they move further and further away from what they know as the bush, they eventually cross some invisible line and find themselves in the Outback, the part of Australia they don't know, the harsh and unforgiving interior...